
Showing posts from January, 2013

Every wondered what 200 elo looked like?

Saintvicious' show us how, I quote an article from  here you might have heard the story about how a hacker got into the Riot servers and set Saintvicious' ELO down to 0 back in in the Summer of 2011, you might have been wondering like me what the games looked like there. Well apparently some redditors actually located two videos of him playing! Videos of Saintvicious at Super Low ELO (Under 200) I've never been this deep before...what's in here?! If you've ever heard the story about how a hacker got into the Riot servers and set Saintvicious' ELO down to 0 back in in the Summer of 2011, you might have been wondering like me what the games looked like there. Well apparently some redditors actually located two videos of him playing! 10/22/2012 Edit: A lot of people were having trouble with the Own3d.TV player that SV used to record himself, so I took the liberty of converting the video/uploading it to YouTube. Enjoy!   Jax -166 ELO Game

LoL community sites

So I have had some trouble of finding proper community sites, so I've been making some research checking out different community sites and here's the list of sites I came up with that can contribute with something to the LoL scene: Guides: LoL Forum: (in front could also be: NA or EUNE) Tier lists: Streams:

Things I think could improve League of Legends

Personally I enjoy League of Legends, I think of it as a game where I can relax and at the same time be serious, challenge myself and become better as I learn, which if you read the article about "Why we play League of Legends", should be able to relate to. Even though this is the case, I still think there are some major things that can be done, in order to improve the game even further, League of Legends has a natural competitive thing around it, so has MOBA games, the community in LoL is unfortunately not that great, comparing it with Starcraft 2, people flame more, community sites such as has its closest competitor with, and still there alot is missing, we have some guide there, forums but we need a tournament page, a newsfeed as big as on teamliquid might not be needed, but it would be great! With that said, I still enjoy the community sites, and I do find them rather helpful. I would also like to see some kind of ingame replay system, I have u

Dominion Tier list

So I stumpled upon this tier list on  Reign of gaming , it is based on the patch that were up at 16. December, which had some not so balanced items, imo, You can read the whole post here: link Here are, what the author, Elalya thinks the dominion tier should be: Top Picks / Bans - Teemo , Kassadin , Kha’zix, Jayce , Lulu , Pantheon , Wukong , Ezreal , Amumu , Poppy , Jax , Rumble , Darius , Xin Zhao , Nunu , Malzahar Frequently Picked / Sometimes Banned - Maokai , Brand , Riven , Lee Sin , Jarvan IV , Singed ,   Blitzcrank , Olaf , Swain , Garen , Diana , Annie , Ahri , Zyra Malphite , Renekton , Rammus , Sona , Talon ,   Nidalee , Alistar , Yorick , Kayle , Janna , Urgot , Evelynn , Katarina , Elise, Miss Fortune , Rengar , Nocturne , Fiora , Morgana , Syndra , Hecarim , Mundo, Ryze , Fizz , Taric , Trundle , Ziggs Sometimes Picked / Rarely Banned - Vayne , Le Blanc, Fiddlesticks , Karma , Leona , Orianna , Corki , Warwick , Nami, Kog’Maw, Cassiopeia , Lux , Twisted Fate , Vla

Rune pages for beginners !

I found a great PNG-picture that is sort of a flowchart telling you which runes you should buy and use, depending on the role you play, Enjoy :) Link to original size It gives a good overview, but remember there is more too runes than this, depending on champion MU, gamemode ect.! Use guides if you need to :) // GrekMaR